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Switch Kit

BSNB makes it easy to switch your checking account. Just follow these simple steps:

1.) Open a BSNB checking account.

To open a BSNB checking account, apply online or visit any BSNB location. If you haven’t already done so, you can review our checking account options. Not sure what checking account works best for you?  Our staff can assist you with what would work best based on your specific needs.

2.) Add Direct Deposit to your BSNB checking account.

Simply complete the Set Up Direct Deposit Form to notify your employer and other organizations that you have a new BSNB checking account (have your new account number handy). Some organizations permit requests by phone. For Social Security, Railroad Retirement Board, Civil (Non-Military) Retirement Payments or VA, call (800) 333-1795. Other organizations may require you to fill out a customized form. For example, the New York State and Local Retirement System application can be obtained by calling (866) 805-0990 or visit

3.) Enroll for Online Banking and Bill Pay.

Enroll in Online Banking and Bill Pay and bank online at our website any time. It’s fast, convenient and secure. Use our Bill Pay Organizer Form to record information on each monthly bill that you are currently paying via an Online Bill Pay System. This organizer will make it easier to set up those payments within your new BSNB Online Bill Pay.

4.) Change any Automatic Payments.

If you have any monthly payments (i.e. utilities, loans, membership fees) automatically deducted from your account, simply complete the Redirect Automatic Payments Form to notify the companies that you have a new checking account at BSNB.

5.) Close your Old Account.

Once all outstanding checks have cleared and your automatic payments, bill payments, and direct deposit are being made to/from your new BSNB checking account, complete the Close My Old Account Form to notify your former bank that you wish to close your account.